Monday, January 31, 2011

Rango: behind the scenes

Rango upcoming 3d animated movie this year, and here is a behind the scenes of Rango


* Johnny Depp as Rango
* Isla Fisher as Beans
* James Ward Byrkit as Waffles
* Abigail Breslin as Priscilla
* Alfred Molina as Roadkill
* Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake
* Harry Dean Stanton as Pappy
* Maile Flanagan as Boo
* Ray Winstone as Bad Bill
* Nika Futterman as Akiano
* Claudia Black as Angelique
* Ned Beatty as The Mayor
* Timothy Olyphant as The Spirit of the West
* Alanna Ubach as Fresca
* Lew Temple as Furgus
* Ian Abercrombie as Ambrose
* Stephen Root as Doc and Merrimack
* John Cothran, Jr. as Elgin
* Beth Grant as Bonnie
* Gil Birmingham as Wounded Bird
* Blake Clark as Buford
* Joe Nunez as Rockeye
* Chris Parson as Kinski
* Alex Manugian as Spoons

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Friday, January 28, 2011

[New]working on

Hi, there

i and one friend of mine working on a website, i have been doing the background images for watchersnplayers, with the help of photoshop cs5, will soon put some small animations clips on it, so it looks more better on watchersnplayers .

watchersnplayers is a site , were you can watch online TV and also LIVE tv, listen to new songs and plays games to

Here are some of the images done in photoshop
circket background for

football background for

logo for facebook

logo for

Sijaona cha kukupa duniani...labda Mungu kakuandalia zawadi mbinguni

''unajua kuvumilia... uko juu nakwambia...kwenye huu mchezo unamudu c mchezo..sifa zimuendee kungwi wako''

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Huyu binti ndie aliyeongoza matokeo ya kidato cha nne 2010 jinchi lote la TZ..Nimeipenda pics yke,ur welcome!!!

Lucy mallya
*Nusu ya wanafunzi waambulia daraja 0
*Wasichana hawashikiki, wavulana hoi
*Katika kumi bora wachukua nafasi nane
*Shule za Dar, K`njaro, Moro, Mbeya juu
Matokeo ya mtihani wa taifa wa kidato cha nne yaliyotangazwa jana yanaonyesha kwamba wasichana wamewapiku kwa mbali wavulana, wakikalia nafasi nane kati ya kumi bora, huku nusu ya watahiniwa wote wakiambulia daraja sifuri.

Katika matokeo ya mtihani huo yaliyotangazwa na Katibu Mtendaji wa Baraza la Taifa la Mitihani (Necta), Dk Joyce Ndalichako, jumla ya watahiniwa 352,840 waliofanya mtihani huo ni 177,021 tu waliofaulu.

Matokeo ya mtihani huo uliofanyika mwaka Oktoba mwaka jana pia yanaonyesha kuwa watahiniwa wanne wamefutiwa matokeo kwa kuandika matusi mazito kwenye karatasi za kujaza majibu.

Matokeo hayo yanaonyesha kuwa shule binafsi 10 ndizo zinazoongoza katika kundi la shule kumi bora kitaifa zilizofanya vizuri.

Dk. Ndalichako alisema watahiniwa wa shule waliosajiliwa ni 363,589, lakini waliofanya mitihani ni 352,840, waliofaulu wakiwa ni 177,021 sawa na asilimia 50.4.

Katika kundi la waliofaulu, wasichana ni 69,996 sawa na asilimia 43.3 na wavulana ni 107,025 sawa na asilimia 56.

Alisema watahiniwa binafsi waliosajiliwa walikuwa 94,525 na kati ya hao waliofaulu walikuwa 46,064 sawa na asilimia 52.

Katika ubora wa ufaulu kwa kuangalia madaraja waliyopata watahiniwa wa shule, Dk. Ndalichako alisema 40, 388 sawa na asilimia 11.5 wamefaulu katika madaraja ya I hadi III na kwamba wasichana waliofaulu katika madaraja hayo ni 12,583 na wavulana ni 27,805.
Alisema jumla ya wanafunzi waliopata daraja 0 ni 174,193 ambao ni karibu nusu ya wanafunzi wote waliofanya mitihani hiyo.

Jedwali la matokeo linaonyesha kuwa wavulana waliopata darala la kwanza I ni 3,874 na wasichana ni 1,489, daraja la II wavulana ni 7,003 na wasichana ni 2,939, daraja la III wavulana ni 16,928, wasichana ni 8,155 na daraja la IV wavulana ni 79,220 na wasichana ni 57,413.


Alitaja shule 10 zilizoongoza kitaifa na mikoa yake katika mabano kuwa ni Uru Seminary (Kilimanjaro), Marian Girls (Pwani), St Francis Girls (Mbeya), Canossa (Dar es Salaam), Msolwa (Morogoro), Feza Boys (Dar es Salaam), St Mary Goreti (Kilimanjaro), Abbey (Mtwara), St Joseph’s Sem Iterarambogo (Kigoma) na Barbro-Johanson (Dar es Salaam).


Aliwataja wanafunzi bora 10 kitaifa ambao walifanya vizuri kuliko wote na shule zao katika mabano kuwa ni Lucylight Mallya na Maria-Dorin Shayo (Marian Girls).

Wengine ni Sherryen Cessar (Barbro-Johanson), Diana Abel Matabwa (St Francis Girls), Neema Joey Kafwimi (St Francis) na Beatrice Issara (St Mary Goreti).

Wengine ni Johnston Dedani (Ilboru) mkoani Arusha, Samwel M. Emmanuel (Moshi Tech), Bertha Sanga (Marian Girls) na Bernadetha Kalluvya (St Francis Girls).

Aliwataja wavulana kumi walioongoza kitaifa kuwa ni Johnston Dedani (Ilboru), Samwel Emmanuel (Moshi Tech), Jimoku Salum (Shinyanga Sekondari), Amaniel Barabara (Arusha Day), Aswile Mwambembe (Kibaha), James Mwitondi (Loyola), Gasper Mung’ong’o (Loyola), Yohane Kihaga (Don Bosco Seminary (Iringa) na Tonny Tarimo wa (Msolwa, Morogoro).

Dk. Ndalichako alisema Necta inashikilia matokeo ya watahiniwa 1,448 waliofanya mitihani bila kulipa ada hadi hapo watakapolipa pamoja na faini katika kipindi cha miaka miwili.

Alisema watahiniwa 311 wamefutiwa matokeo yao baada ya kubainika kuwa walifanya udanganyifu wa aina mbalimbali.

Katika hatua nyingine, Dk. Ndalichako aliwaonya wanafunzi wa kidato cha sita ambao wanatarajia kufanya mitihani yao mwezi ujao kuacha kuandika matusi kwenye mitihani yao hata kama imewashinda.

“Nawaomba kidato cha sita wasifanya mchezo huu kabisa, maana inaonekana kama inaanza kuwa mazoea. Mwaka jana kulikuwa na mwanafunzi mmoja aliyeandika matusi kwenye karatasi ya majibu mwaka huu idadi imeongezeka na kuwa wanne,” alisema Dk. Ndalichako.
nibofye kusoma matokeo haya...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bahari ambayo mtu hawezi kuzama

shemeji akielea juu ya maji ya dead sea
SI rahisi kuamini kwamba kuna bahari au ziwa lolote duniani ambapo mtu akiingia hawezi kuzama. Lakini, kwa waliowahi kufika Mashariki ya Kati na kuiona bahari inayojulikana kama Dead Sea,

wakajaribu kuingia katika maji yake au kuwaona watu waliokuwa wakielea katika maji hayo huku wakisoma magazeti, wanaamini tangu siku hiyo.

Inaitwa Dead Sea ambapo tafsiri yake kwa Kiswahili ni “Bahari Iliyokufa”. Iliitwa hivyo kutokana na ukweli kwamba maji yake yana chumvi nyingi mno kiasi kwamba si rahisi kwa viumbe vyenye uhai kuishi katika maji yake.

Kwa Kiarabu, bahari hiyo inaitwa “al-Bahr al-Mayyit” na kwa Kiyahudi inaitwa “Yam Ha-Mela” yote yakimaanisha “Bahari ya Chumvi”.

Ifahamike pia kwamba pamoja na eneo hilo la maji kuitwa bahari, kwa kweli ukubwa wake ni kama ziwa la kawaida tu.

Bahari hiyo ambayo pia huitwa Salt Lake yaani “Bahari ya Chumvi”, iko katikati ya Jordan kwa upande wa Mashariki.Upande wa Magharibi inapakana na Israel na Ukingo wa Magharibi (Palestina).

Uso wake na kingo zake ziko mita 422 chini ya usawa wa bahari, ambacho ni kipimo cha chini zaidi katika uso wa dunia katika eneo lililoko katikati ya ardhi kavu.

Ikiwa moja ya bahari au maziwa yenye chumvi nyingi zaidi, Dead Sea maji yake yana chumvi kwa asilimia 33.7, japokuwa maziwa Assal lililoko Djibouti na maziwa ya McMurdo Dry Valleys eneo la Antarctica (kama vile Don Juan Pond) yana viwango vya juu zaidi vya chumvi.

Dead Sea ina kiwango cha chumvi ambacho ni mara 8.6 zaidi ya kile kilichomo katika bahari. Hivyo, wingi huo wa chumvi ni moja kwa moja hauwezi tena kuruhusu viumbe hai kuishi ndani yake, na ndiyo maana ikaitwa Bahari Iliyokufa.
Hata hivyo, kuna aina fulani za bakteria na mimea ambayo huweza kuishi katika maji hayo. Kwa kifupi, mazingira ya Dead Sea yako sawa kabisa na ziwa liitwalo Great Salt Lake lililoko Utah, nchini Marekani.

Urefu wa ziwa hilo ni kilomita 67 na upana wake (katika sehemu ndefu zaidi) ni kilomita 18, na mto pekee unaomwaga maji ndani yake ni Mto Jordan.

Uzito wa maji yake ni kilo 1.24, jambo ambalo linafanya uogeleaji ndani yake kuwa mgumu, lakini maji hayohayo hutoa burudani tosha. Mtu unaweza ukajilaza juu yake ukabaki unaelea muda wote huku ukisoma gazeti au ukinywa bia!

Maajabu ya bahari au ziwa hilo, ambalo katika Biblia, linatajwa liliwahi kuwa makimbilio ya Mfalme Daud (David) ni kwamba imekuwa ikivutia maelfu ya watalii kutoka sehemu mbalimbali duniani.

Ilikuwa pia ni moja ya vituo vya mwanzo duniani vya tiba tangu enzi za mfalme “Herod the Great”.

Miongoni mwa bidhaa zinazopatikana katika bahari hiyo ni chumvi za aina ya “potash”, mbolea, madawa ya kuhifadhia viumbe visioze, na kadhalika.

Nadharia zilizopo ni kwamba kiasi cha miaka milioni tatu iliyopita kile ambacho leo ni bonde la Mto Jordan, Dead Sea na Wadi Arabah lilikuwa kila mara linafurika maji kutoka Bahari ya Mediterranean. Maji yaliyokuwa yakifika huko kutokea kupitia Bonde la Jezreel.

Mafuriko hayo yalikuwa yakilikumba eneo hilo na kutoweka kufuatana na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa.

Matokeo yake ni kwamba ziwa ambalo lilikuwa katika eneo la Dead Sea, ambalo liliitwa “Ziwa Sodoma”, lilibakia na marundo ya chumvi ambayo unene wake ukafikia kilomita tatu.

Hivyo, baada ya mafuriko hayo kukoma, eneo hilo likabaki na maji na chumvi katika kile kinachojulikana leo kama Dead Sea.
Kama ilivyotajwa mwanzoni, bahari hiyo imekuwa ni kituo kikubwa cha tiba kwa magonjwa mbalimbali ikiwa ni pamoja na magonjwa ya ngozi ambapo walioathirika huoga maji yake,

wakaishi kwa muda sehemu hiyo ambayo iko chini ya usawa wa bahari, jambo ambalo hupunguza ukali wa mionzi ya madhara ijulikanayo kama “ultraviolet”.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Noti mpya tz zamwaga rangi ..angalia usivae na suti nyeupe au kuiweka mdomoni ..

Sadick Mtulya

UBORA wa noti mpya zilizoanza kutumika mwanzoni mwa mwaka huu unatia shaka, baada ya kubainika kuwa baadhi yake zinachuja na kuacha rangi zikilowa maji au jasho.

Uchunguzi uliofanywa na Mwananchi Jumapili umebaini kuwa noti hizo hasa za Sh5,000 na Sh10,000 zikikandamizwa au kusuguliwa kwenye karatasi nyeupe hata bila kuloweshwa maji au jasho, huacha rangi. Hali hii imesababisha baadhi ya watu kuanza kutilia shaka ubora wake huku wasomi wakitaka serikali kuwa makini kwa

Lawrence Mkina ambaye Mkazi wa jijini Dar es Salaam aliliambia gazeti hili kwa njia ya simu jana kuwa haamini kama noti mpya kama zina ubora unatakiwa. Alisema aliweka kwenye mfuko wa shti lake jeupe noti za sh 5,000, lakini baadaye alipozitoa shati lilikuwa limechafuka kwa rangi ya noti.

Mkina alisema huenda noti hizo zimechachakuliwa na wanjanja mitaani kwani hata ukiisugua katika karatasi nyeupe zitacha rangi kama ‘carbon paper’. Ili kuthibitisha malalamiko hayo, Mwananchi Jumapili ilichukua noti mpya ya sh 5,000 na kuisugua kwenye karatasi ya nyeupe ikaacha rangi ya bluu.

Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu cha Mzumbe, Dk Honest Ngowi alieleza madhara ya noti zisizokuwa na ubora kuwa ni pamoja na kugushiwa kirahisi.

“Ubora wa noti ni kitu muhimu na kama ikikosa ubora inaleta maswali mengi na moja ya athari itakayojitokeza ni kugushiwa kirahisi,’’ alisema Dk Ngowi. Dk Ngowi ambaye ni mwanazuoni aliyebobea katika taaluma ya uchumi, alisema noti ikikosa ubora, huchakaa mapema na kuleta utata katika kukubalika kwenye soko. “Kutokana na kuchakaa mapema, serikali italazimika kuchapisha noti nyingini hali ambayo italigharimu taifa fedha nyingi katika muda mfupi. Pia inawezekana nchi za Jumuiya ya Afrika ya Afrika Mashariki, zikakataa kuzitumia noti hizo,’’ alisema.

Kuhusu sifa na ubora wa noti, Dk Ngowi alisema ni lazima iwe katika kiwango bora ikiwamo kuwa na karatasi ngumu isiyochakaa na kuchanika mapema na kuwa na uzito. Akizungumzia suala hilo, Gavana wa Benki Kuu, Profesa Benno Ndullu alisema BoT inafuatilia matatizo yanayojitokeza katika noti hizo mpya kwa karibu na kuyafanyia kazi.

“Hili linawezekana ingawa wewe ndio mtu wa kwanza kujitokeza kueleza, lakini kama tatizo hili lipo, tutalifanyia kazi,’’ alisema Profesa Ndullu. Akaongeza: “Kwa sasa BoT ina-monitor (inafuatailia) kwa ukaribu usambazaji wa noti mpya pamoja na kuangalia matatizo yanayojitokeza na kuyafanyia kazi haraka iwezekanavyo.’’ Gavana huyo alisema matatizo yote yatakayojitokeza katika noti hizo yatafikishwa kwa mzabuni aliyezichapisha ili kufanyiwa kazi. Kabla ya kuchapishwa noti hizi, Benki Kuu iliahidi kuwa noti mpya zitakuwa imara ambazo hazitaweza kugushiwa kirahisi.

Tatizo la noti hizo mpya limejulikana siku nne baada ya watu watatu kukamatwa Januari 20, mwaka huu, mkoani Ruvuma wakitengeneza noti za bandia kwenye nyumba ya kulala wageni. Kamanda wa Polisi mkoani humo, Michael Kamuhanda, alisema watu hao ambao wote ni wakazi wa eneo la Bombambili, walikamatwa saa tano usiku katika nyumba hiyo iliyopo Mtaa wa Matomondo, eneo la Misufini. Alisema siku ya tukio, polisi wakiwa kwenye doria waliwakamata watuhumiwa hao wakiwa na karatasi zinazodaiwa kutumika kutengenezea noti bandia.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

lets be quite...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Huge New Dive Attraction for Cayman Islands

Earlier this month, the USS Kittiwake was intentionally sunk in the waters off Grand Cayman's Seven Mile Beach. The 1945-vintage submarine rescue ship weighs 2,200 tons and has a length of 251 feet. The USS Kittiwake now rests at a depth of 62 feet, enabling the ship to be an easily accessible dive attraction for snorkelers and divers. In addition to being an attraction for divers, the USS Kittiwake will act as an artificial reef that will shelter sea life.

The Cayman Islands’ acquisition of the decommissioned naval vessel marks the first time that a US MARAD ship has been donated to a foreign government for the creation of an artificial reef to preserve the marine environment.

Check out the video:

Now that you are excited about your new dive location, call us at Unique Travel Concepts, to book your air, resort and provide information abouth this unique new dive experience.

Call now! 619-464-6426 or email us at

Is katrina kaif the princess of popcorn?

Katrina has left home most of her clothes and is pompously flaunting her belly button in this song whose lyrics are as provocative as is its video. In fact, such a hysteria has spawned over the song that google engine is working overtime to meet the demands of the male voyeurs and Katrina die-hards.

.While no one is quite complaining but it’s a matter of great speculation if Katrina’s belly show highlights her sexiness or is it ill-suitable to an actress of her stature. After all, the blatant show of navel is still a taboo subject in many Indian corners and some quarters may consider it objectionable and obnoxious.

But then, going by the modern demand of the industry, the westernisation of the youths and the liberalisation of mainstream cinema, Katrina’s bold skin show is only going to earn her some brownie points and cement her position as the princess of popcorn. What’s your opinion?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ajifungua mkono mzima ....madaktari hoi...

Bi.Shija Maige (33)mkazi wa Kahama Mkoani Shinyanga amejifungua watoto 5.Yeye na watoto wake 5 wana afya ile mbaya.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Disney's California Adventure® Overview

To book your next Disney Vacation please contact Unique Travel Concepts
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635

We Are The Caribbean - Sandals Resorts Chairman & CEO

To book your Sandals Vacation please contact Unique Travel Concepts
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635

Transatlantic Crossings

Queen Mary 2
New York to Southampton
7 Days-Eastbound
26 April, 17 May, 10 June, 6 July, 27 July, 22 August, 5 September, 7 October, 23 October, 17 November
3 January
Accommodation Category
Queen Suites (Q7) from $700 per day
Princess Suites (P3) from $530 per day
Britannia Club Balcony (AA) from $360 per day
Deluxe Balcony (A4) (OB) from $270 per day
Premium Balcony (B5) (S) from $240 per day
Standard Ocean view (C4) from $206 per day
Standard Inside (D8) from $185 per day
*prices are subject to change, without notice, until ticked.

Southampton to New York
7 Days-Westbound
19April, 10 May, 3 June, 24 June, 20 July, 15 August, 29 August, 20 September, 16 October, 10 November, 12 December
Accommodation Category Rates are equal to New York to Southampton sailing.
*prices subject to change, without notice, until ticketed.

Please contact Unique Travel Concepts to book your Transatlantic Crossing Cruise
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635

50 States & 50 Vacations (Alabama to Massachusetts)

Hey kids: Want to lift off at 4Gs, do a real moonwalk, build your own rocket or work in a space station simulator? Children ages 9 to 11 can sign up for a week of Space Camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville. Focus on the space track, with extensive Mars training, the aviation track, with fighter pilot skills, or the robotics track, where you design and program the ultimate robot.- Article by Robin Dalmas

Massive humpback whales are relatively easy to spot from the Alaska Marine Highway, the state’s ferry system or a cruise ship. Smaller cruise lines such as Cruise West will even stop the engines and let you watch the behemoths slap their giant tails on the water. On cruise lines with larger ships, such as Norwegian Cruise Line, you might spot them in the distance from the glassed-in health spa.
Visit the annual Navajo Festival of Arts and Culture, scheduled for Aug. 7-8 at the Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff, to see art from Arizona’s 22 different Native American communities. More than 60 artists will demonstrate jewelry, painting, pottery and weaving techniques. You can also commission jewelry at artists’ studios. Lydia Sakiestewa, for example, produces custom-made Hopi inlay silver jewelry at her studio at Sakiestewa Plaza in Phoenix.
The Buffalo River Trail in the Ozark Mountains is 37 miles long and runs from Boxley Valley to Pruitt. The trail rewards the hiker with million-dollar vistas of the river, homesteads and historic cemeteries. Look for wildlife, too. More than 400 Rocky Mountain elk live in and around Buffalo National River. In the early 1980s, elk were relocated to the Buffalo River region to replace an eastern elk subspecies that was killed off in the 1800s.
Drive Highway 1 along the coast to visit Big Sur, a scenic area popularized by writers and artists including Henry Miller, Hunter S. Thompson and Jack Kerouac. Orson Welles and his wife at the time, Rita Hayworth, bought a Big Sur cabin during a trip down the coast in 1944. The property is now the location of the popular Nepenthe restaurant. Big Sur has nine state parks, including Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, where a waterfall plunges directly into the ocean.
Gold was initially discovered at the confluence of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek, about 60 miles north of Pikes Peak. Is there still gold in them thar hills? Find out at one of Colorado’s 11 gold and silver mine tours. At Country Boy Mine in Breckenridge, for example, your tour guide will teach you how to pan for gold in Eureka Creek.
The sea has been the lifeblood of the town of Mystic since it was founded in 1654. Though the days of the mighty sailing ship are largely past, they live on at Mystic Seaport, the nation’s largest maritime museum. Besides serving as home port for a number of historic tall ships, Mystic Seaport features a reconstructed fishing village, a maritime gallery, a research center and a shipyard. And to help build the next generation of sailors, Mystic Seaport also offers sailing lessons for all ages.
The Hagley Museum in Wilmington and its outdoor park setting can lull you into serenity as the gentle Brandywine River flows past rose-covered fences, and ducks waddle by with ducklings in tow. The peace belies a violent past, however. This is the birthplace of the DuPont Co. in America, whose first product was black gunpowder. Death and injuries from explosions were a common byproduct for the leading supplier of black gunpowder to the U.S. government.
Universal Orlando's new mini-park, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, opened recently to great fanfare. The 20-acre park brings the Harry Potter books and movies to life with reproductions of the fictitious village of Hogsmeade, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Hogwarts Express train. The park's marquee ride, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, takes guests on a flight through Harry's life, including encounters with Dementors and a dragon.
It’s said that during the Civil War, Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman spared Savannah from destruction because he was so taken by its beauty. Whatever his reason, the city is indeed gorgeous — and it’s one of the South’s few major cities with its antebellum architecture still intact. A tour of Savannah’s many historic homes is a must; some of the notable ones include the Spencer Woodbridge House, the Greene House, the Owens-Thomas House and the Mercer Williams House.
Like biking, but hate pedaling? Bicycling down Maui’s Haleakala volcano is a sublimely beautiful adventure — and no elevation gains are required. Several companies offer bike tours on Haleakala, both guided and unguided, that transport you to the crater and then let you head down on your own two-wheeled power. The views are breathtaking; you’re likely to see the neighboring islands of Molokai and Lanai. For the best experience, take one of the popular early-morning tours that get you to the summit in time to watch the sun rise over the crater’s rim.
The Coeur d’Alene resort is one of a kind. The towering building overlooks the cobalt blue waters of Lake Coeur d’Alene. Book a deluxe or premier room with a perfect waterfront view. For a special treat, the Hagadone Suite boasts its own glass-bottom swimming pool, wet bar, fireplace, two large balconies and an indoor and outdoor hot tub.
Of all the ballparks in Major League Baseball, few have a cachet that can match that of Chicago’s Wrigley Field. The home of the Cubs (the “Friendly Confines” to Chicagolanders) has seen some of baseball’s most memorable moments, including Babe Ruth’s “called shot” in the 1932 World Series. Although the ivy-strewn brick edifice has had night games since lights were installed in 1988, Wrigley Field is best enjoyed in the daytime. For a unique experience, you can also watch the game from one of the park-sanctioned rooftop viewing areas atop neighboring buildings.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to travel at the ridiculous speeds attained by Indy 500 drivers? You can find out at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The racetrack has events throughout the summer where you can zoom at up to 180 mph in an IndyCar Series vehicle with a veteran driver at the helm. There are also motorsports courses available for youth and adults. And even though this year’s Indy 500 was in May, there are more races happening this summer for those who prefer just to be a spectator.
John Wayne has been gone for more than 30 years, but The Duke still lives large in our popular consciousness — in fact, he’s the only actor to place on Harris Interactive’s list of America’s favorite movie stars every year since the survey began in 1994. Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, and the four-room house where he took his first breath is open to the public. The house has been restored to what it would have looked like when Wayne was born in 1907, and many of his family members have been known to stop by.
During the latter half of the 19th century, Fort Hays in northwest Kansas was one of the U.S. Army’s most important frontier outposts, serving as home base for notable regiments such as some of the first Buffalo Soldiers. The Fort Hays State Historic Site brings the fort’s military and pioneer history to life, with features such as the original blockhouse and guardhouse, officers’ quarters and native artifacts from the tribes that first called this land home. Make sure to visit the herd of buffalo that has been maintained here for almost 60 years.
During the latter half of the 19th century, Fort Hays in northwest Kansas was one of the U.S. Army’s most important frontier outposts, serving as home base for notable regiments such as some of the first Buffalo Soldiers. The Fort Hays State Historic Site brings the fort’s military and pioneer history to life, with features such as the original blockhouse and guardhouse, officers’ quarters and native artifacts from the tribes that first called this land home. Make sure to visit the herd of buffalo that has been maintained here for almost 60 years.
Lafayette — about 50 miles west of Baton Rouge — is Cajun central, and there’s no better place to do some serious Cajun-style eating. You must sample crawfish here (according to Louisiana’s tourism department, crawfish are a freshwater species and unaffected by the recent oil spill), along with spicy boudin sausage, gumbo, jambalaya and “cracklin’,” or pork rinds. Some of the city’s notable eateries include Prejean’s, Randol’s Restaurant and Hub City Diner. Lafayette is also a great destination for music and dancing to help you work off the extra calories you’ve consumed.
Sure, you’ve heard of Maine’s famous lobster — but how would you like to catch your crustacean yourself? Take a guided lobster-fishing excursion with a company such as Lucky Catch Cruises, which teaches its guests about lobsters, their behavior and conservation during 90-minute cruises into Casco Bay, off the coast of Portland. Once you get off the boat, you can take your lobster across the pier to the Portland Lobster Company and have it turned into dinner on the spot.
The National Aquarium in Baltimore attracts 1.6 million visitors annually to see its dolphin display, rooftop rain forest, ray pool and multiple-story shark tank. Its newest exhibit, Jellies Invasion: Oceans out of Balance, displays nine species of jellyfish. Be sure to visit the aquarium’s Immersion Theater, which offers a 20-minute movie presentation that includes a 3-D film and special sensory effects such as mist and wind.
Cape Cod is justifiably famous for its beaches. Indeed, the hook-shaped cape is practically one big beach, so you may find yourself wondering which one to visit. Our recommendation: Sandy Neck Beach Park, which looks out onto Cape Cod Bay between the towns of Sandwich and Barnstable. The six-mile-long beach is the longest in the area, and it’s perhaps the loveliest as well. If you’d rather ride than swim, sunbathe or beachcomb, Sandy Neck is open for four-wheel driving by permit.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Cruise Ports

Some cruise companies may be adding some sought after ports that are sure to enhance your cruising experience.

Santorini, Greece

Skagen, Denmark

Gozo, Malta

New Zealands South Island

Tortola, British Virgin Islands

L’Anse-aux-Meadows National Historic Site, Newfoundland

Rockland, Maine

Rovinj, Croatia

For more information or to book you next cruise vacation please contact Unique Travel Concepts
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635

High-End Car Rentals

Aston Martin V8 Vantage
     If you decide to push the Vantage to its 180-mph maximum speed, the car rents for $695 per day. It's not a bad deal when you consider that its sticker price is around $120,000. The 2-seater is the most diminutive Aston Martin on the road, but that doesn't mean it isn't a powerhouse; the rear of this supercar has been compared to the flanks of a wild animal.

Bentley Continental GT
     It has British roots, but in the late 20th century, the Bentley morphed into the car of choice for American royalty: rappers and professional athletes. Bentley customers range from the queen of England to the rapper Ludacris, James Bond to Shaquille O'Neal. Buying a Continental will set you back at least $200,000, but renting one runs $1,200 per day. Its full-size television screens, exotic woods and natural leather are luxurious, but the Continental is also a driver's car; it can go from zero to 60
mph in 4.7 seconds.

Bugatti Veyron
     "Nothing short of astonishing," is how Stewart Reed, chairman of the transportation design department at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Calif., describes the Bugatti Veyron. "It's a piece of art, and yet it performs astonishingly well." With a sticker price north of $2 million and a top speed of 267 mph, the Veyron is among the fastest and most expensive cars in the world. Rents for the purchase price of a new MINI Cooper: $25,000 a day.

Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano
You may have to upgrade your insurance policy before renting it. To get behind the wheel of the Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, you'll need a minimum of $250,000 in property-damage coverage. A wraparound rear window maximizes aerodynamics, and the interior of the car is draped in natural leather. Rentals are about one-hundredth the car's sticker price; Platinum charges $2,499 for drivers to take a daylong spin.

For more information on how you can rent these high-end cars please contact Unique Travel Concepts.
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635

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