Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mwakyembe ashangaa kocha kumpanga ktkt ..amuuliza kocha nifunge wapi?..kocha akamjibu popote...

SIASA ni mchezo mgumu. Kama ilivyo katika kandanda, aliye nje anayaona makosa, mengi. Walio uwanjani wanaujua uchungu wa game.

Jana nimemwona JK akitangaza baraza lake, si JK wa siku zote. Alikunja uso mara kwa mara. Kuna aliowakunjia uso. Wanasema; kumkoma nyani giladi. Ukitaka kumwua nyani usimtazame usoni.

Sura mpya zilikuwa nyingi. Majina mapya. Kuna majina aliyataja huku akionyesha kuwa anaowataja si watu wake wa karibu. Hakukuwa na ’ mtani wangu nanihii!’

Kama kocha, kikosi kile kinaweza kufanya maajabu. Chaweza kuwa kikosi cha kujituma, maana, wengi waliongizwa kikosini ni wapya. Wanajua nje kwenye benchi kuna wapya wengine, kuna wazoefu. Wakiboronga mchezo, kuna watazamaji watakaopiga kelele majukwaani; ” JK mwingize nanihii!, Mwingize nanihii!”. Ndio mchezo wa siasa ulivyo, kama kandanda vile, kocha ana kazi ngumu, na walio uwanjani pia.

Habari kubwa jana; Samwel Sitta na Harrison Mwakyembe. Kwanini JK amemchezesha Harry Mwakyembe katikati pamoja na akina Jo’ Magufuli na Anna Tibaijuka? Huenda hata Mwakyembe mwenyewe ameshangaa kocha kumpanga katikati. Na labda ameuliza; ” Kocha nifunge wapi?”

JK atamjibu; ” Funga Kote Kote! Anampima akili yake? Na Kwanini Sam Sitta katupwa wingi ya kulia? Nahofia, Sitta ataisubiri sana mipira. Mingi itaishia katikati, hataipata! Ni lazima afanye jitihada binafsi kuitafuta mipira. Na kuna watazamaji jukwaani wanaofikiri, kuwa ingekuwa busara Sam Sitta angechagua kukaa kwenye benchi kulinda heshima yake.
Wanaosema hivyo hawaujui ugumu wa mchezo wa siasa. Sitta atalazimika Ku- ’Like The Situation’ - Kuipenda Hali, basi. Masikini Samwel Sitta, si huyu aliyekuwa na mhimili wake wa dola aliokuwa akiuongoza.

Na ni Sitta huyu huyu aliyepata kutamka bungeni; ” Wapinzani mtaitwa hivyo hivyo, wapinzani, maana nyie mnapinga-pinga tu!”. Alimjibu aliyekuwa Kiongozi wa upinzani Bungeni Hamad Rashid aliyesema kuwa wakati umefika kwa kambi ya Upinzani kuitwa ’ Kambi ya Ushindani’ ili kuondoa dhana ya upinzani ambayo jamii inaitafsiri vibaya.

Masikini Sitta, akiwa Spika wa Bunge alikuwa na nafasi ya kuacha legacy ya kuwezesha hoja ya Watanzania kupata Katiba Mpya na Tume Huru ya Uchaguzi ijadiliwe bungeni. Ndio, Samwel Sitta sasa atakumbukwa pia kwa kuwa Spika wa kwanza kujenga ofisi yake ya Spika kwao Urambo Mashariki. Ofisi yenye thamani ya mamilioni ya fedha za walipa kodi. Hivi alidhani Uspika ni Usultani?!

Naam. Na kwenye mchezo mgumu wa siasa kuna kinachoitwa ’ Inner cabinet’. Kikundi kidogo cha mawaziri kinachoweza kukutana na Rais hata isipo rasmi. Kitapanga mikakati kabla ya kukutana na baraza zima. Kama kuna ’ Inner Cainet’ pale Magogoni, basi, sina hakika kama Sam Sitta na Harry Mwakyembe watakuwamo. Si ni juzi tu walikuwa ’ a political loose cannons’ ndani ya chama- Mizinga inayoning’inia, inapiga Kote Kote! Na bado ndani ya chama kuna hofu ya uwepo wa masalia ya ’ Weapons Of Mass Political Destructions’. Anne Kilango, Ole Sendeka.....

Naam. Katika miaka ya karibuni, inaaminika kuwa Bungeni Sitta aliipa tabu sana Serikali. Bado hatujaandika, na itakuja, simulizi ya ’ Mitume 12’ iliyopambana na ufisadi ndani na nje ya bunge. Samwel Sitta alikuwa mmoja wa mitume hiyo. Harry Mwakyembe nae alikuwamo. Hawakujua kuwa, ni kazi ngumu sana kupambana na ufisadi kwa kelele za bungeni tu. Dawa ni Katiba Mpya na Tume Huru ya Uchaguzi. Ndio, tatizo ni MFUMO uliopo ambao nao walikuwa ni sehemu ya mfumo huo.
Katika mchezo wa siasa; adui yako usimwache nje ya hema akunanilihii haja ndogo ukiwa ndani ya hema. Mwingize ndani ya hema ananilihii haja ndogo nje akiwa ndani ya hema.

Naam.Wanaosema siasa ni mchezo mchafu wanakosea. Siasa ni mchezo mgumu, basi.

Na Maggid, Iringa Novemba 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

HapPy B.dAy Jokha RaShiD

Jokha Rashid
Leo ni siku ya kuzaliwa Jokha Rashidi 25.11....Blog hii na kwa niaba ya ma class mate wake wote waliosoma nae Mkwakwani sec sch Tunamtakia furaha yeye na familia yake yte,Mmungu ampe afya njema ktk maisha yke na mafanikio ktk siku zake nyingine za usoni.

We wish u happy b.day

Sailing Stones of Death Valley

The sailing stones, also known as sliding rocks and moving rocks, are a geological phenomenon where rocks move in long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention. They have been recorded and studied in a number of places around Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, where the number and length of travel grooves are notable. The force behind their movement is not understood and is the subject of research.
Racetrack stones only move every two or three years and most tracks develop over three or four years. Stones with rough bottoms leave straight striated tracks while those with smooth bottoms wander. Stones sometimes turn over, exposing another edge to the ground and leaving a different track in the stone's wake.
Sliding rock trails fluctuate in direction and length. Some rocks which start next to each other start out traveling parallel, but one may abruptly change direction to the left, right, or even back the direction it came from. Length also varies because two similarly sized and shaped rocks could travel uniformly, then one could burst ahead or stop dead in its track.
The stones are rarely transported and no one has witnessed their movement, so the speeds at which the rocks travel are unknown.


1. Ofisi ya Rais (Utawala Bora) Mathias Chikawe

Ofisi ya Rais – Mahusiano na Uratibu: Stephen Wassira

2.Ofisi ya Rais – Menejimenti ya Utumishi wa Umma Hawa Ghasia

3. Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais – ( Muungano) Samia Suluhu

2. Ofisi ya Makamu wa Rais – (Mazingira) Dr. Terezya Luoga Hovisa

4. Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu (Sera, Uratibu na Bunge): William Lukuvi

2. Uwekezaji na Uwezeshaji Dr. Mary Nagu

5. Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu, Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa (TAMISEMI) George Huruma Mkuchika

Naibu: Aggrey Mwanri

Naibu: Kassim Majaliwa

6. Wizara ya Fedha Mustapha Mkulo

Naibu: Gregory Teu

NAibu: Pereira Ame Silima

7. Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi Shamsi Vuai Nahodha

Naibu: Balozi Khamis Suedi Kagasheki

8. Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria Celina Kombani

9. Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Kimataifa Bernard K. Membe Naibu: Mahadhi Juma Mahadhi

10. Wizara ya Ulinzi na Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa Dr. Hussein Ali Hassan Mwinyi

11. Wizara ya Maendeleo ya Mifugo na Uvuvi Dr. Mathayo David Mathayo

Naibu: Benedict Ole Nangoro

12. Wizara ya Mawasiliano, Sayansi na Teknolojia Prof. Makame Mnyaa Mbarawa

Naibu: Charles Kitwanga

13. Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi Prof. Anna Tibaijuka Naibu: Goodluck Ole Madeye

14. Wizara ya Maliasili na Utalii Ezekiel Maige

15. Wizara ya Nishati na Madini William Mganga Ngeleja 1. Adam Kigoma Malima

16. Wizara ya Ujenzi Dr. John Pombe Magufuli

Naibu: Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe

17. Wizara ya Uchukuzi Omari Nundu

Naibu: Athumani Mfutakamba

18. Wizara ya Viwanda na Biashara Dr. Cyril Chami

Naibu: Lazaro Nyalandu

19. Wizara ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi Dr. Shukuru Kawambwa

Naibu: Philipo Mulugo

20. Wizara ya Afya na Ustawi wa Jamii Dr. Haji Hussein Mpanda

Naibu: Dr. Lucy Nkya

21. Wizara ya Kazi na Ajira Gaudensia Kabaka Makongoro Mahanga

22. Wizara ya Maendeleo ya Jamii, Jinsia na Watoto Sophia Simba Umi Ali Mwalimu

23. Wizara ya Habari, Vijana na Michezo Emmanuel John Nchimbi

Naibu:Dr. Fenella Mukangara

24. Wizara ya Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki Samuel John Sitta

Naibu Dr. Abdallah Juma Abdallah

25. Wizara ya Kilimo, Chakula na Ushirika Prof. Jumanne Maghembe

Naibu: Christopher Chiza

26. Wizara ya Maji: Prof. Mark James Mwandosya

Naibu: Eng. Gerson Lwinge

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So sad ....but funny coz they ar safe...take care everywhere

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

The Winter Festival of Lights at Niagara Falls illuminates the powerful falls in a rainbow of colors in a ceremony that begins every evening at dusk, from early November through the end of February. The tradition dates back to 1860, when the falls were first lit to celebrate a visit by the Prince of Wales. The skies above the falls also light up with a weekly fireworks show in December.

The Philippines

Spectacular light displays are a hallmark of the holiday season in many locations around the globe. Amusement parks, gardens, piazzas and plazas all glow under the flicker of thousands of lights. For shoppers in the world’s top cities, window displays are another herald of the holidays, as children and adults alike press their noses against the windowpane to view animated figures and wintry scenes.

Christmas in the Philippines is symbolized by "parols," or star lanterns. The city of San Fernando, north of Manila, hosts a Giant Lantern Festival featuring parols 18 to 20 feet in diameter, each containing 3,500 to 5,000 lights. The festival is so popular that it has earned the city the nickname "Christmas Capital of the Philippines."
informaiton from bing.http://www.bing.com/travel/content/search?q=Sparkling+Holiday+Displays+Worldwide%3a+The+Philippines&cid=msntab1116032&FORM=TRVCON

Monday, November 22, 2010

HaPpY biRtHdAy Sadallah Mbeyu

Leo ni siku ya kusherehekea siku ya kuzaliwa kwa aliyekuwa Makamu Mkiti mstahafu 2008/9 wa jumuiya ya wanafunzi wa kitanzania waishio mjini Hyderabad (TSAH),Mimi M/kiti mstahafu Nkya 2009/10 na kwa niaba ya vijana wa Tolichowki na watz wote hapa hyderabad tunapenda kumtakia kila la kheri na mafaniko ktk maisha yake ya usoni Mmungu akuzidishie umri ktk maisha yako

Sunday, November 21, 2010

ChaSin money...MoNEy...


wali ya yote nawashukuru sana kuhitikia wito wetu wa gfafla kuja kujumika pamoja nasi leo hii, akhsanteni sana.

Sisi vijana wasomi wa vyuo vikuu mbalimbali vilivyoko mkoa wa Dodoma kwa pamoja tunapenda kuweka wazi maoni yetu juu ya kitendo kilichofanywa na Wabunge wa CHADEMA jana 18.11.2010 wakati Mhe. Rais alihutubia Bunge.

Kwanza tumeshtushwa na kitendo hicho na kuweka wazi masikitiko yetu kwa kuwa kilichofanyika ni kinyume na matarajio ya wapiga kura waliowachagua waheshimiwa wabunge hao kuwawakilisha ndani ya chombo hicho kikubwa na chenye heshima kubwa ndani na nje ya nchi.

Bunge ni sehemu ya kuwakilisha wananchi kwa hoja chini ya kanuni zilizopo bila kujali itikadi ya chama chochote cha siasa na kazi kubwa ya mbunge ni kuishauri na kuisimamia Serikali kwa niaba ya wananchi waliomchagua au kuwachagua.

Kwa mantiki hiyo basi kama Wabunge hawamtambui Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania maana yake hawana kazi ya kufanya ndani ya Bunge kwani kazi yao kubwa ni kuishauri na kuisimania Serikali sasa kama hawaitambui Serikali hiyo hawana sababu ya kuendelea kuwepo Bungeni.

Pili Baada ya uchaguzi wa Spika wa Bunge Mhe. Anne Makinda, wabunge hao pia walinukuliwa na vyombo vya habari na ushaidi tunao wakiweka wazi kumkubali kiongozi huyo, na kauli mbiu yake ya ‘Bunge moja’ je, kitendo walichofanya inaashiria utekelezaji wa kauli mbiu ya Bunge moja?

Tatu msimamo wa kutomtambua Rais ni wa CHADEMA kama chama na waliotoka nje ya Bunge ni wabunge sasa ni vema wabune hao watambue na kutafakari upya kama kweli wanawawakilisha Bungeni wananchi au cha na kutekeleza misimamo yao bila kujali maslahi ya waliowachagua na kumpa kura nyingi Rais Kikwete?.

Nne Kwa badhi ya wabunge wa CHADEMA kutomtambua Rais wakati akilihutubia bunge ni wazi kuwa hata sheria zitakzopitishwa na Bunge hawatahusika kwa kuwa mwenye mamlaka ya mwisho kukubali sheria iliyotungwa na Bunge itumike ni Rais ambaye wanadai hawamtutambui.
Ni dhahiri kuwa watashindwa kufanya kazi yao ya uwakilishi na usimamizi wa Serikali Bungeni .

Je wanawaonesha watanzania dalili gani kama si kutaka kuleta machafuko nchini na mgawanyiko ndani ya Bunge na kwa Jamii kwa ujumla?.

Wananchi waliowachagua wabunge hao wanapaswa kutafakari upya wawakilishi waliowachagua kama wana uelewa wa kutosha kuhusu bunge, sisi vijana wa vyuo vikuu tunajua na tunatambua kuwa Rais ni Sehemu ya Bunge na Bunge haliwezi kukamilika bila Rais na hii ndio maana kila sheria inayopitishwa na Bunge ni lazima yeye Rais aweke sahihi yake.

Katika mazungumo yake na waandishi wa habari wiki hii Mweneykiti wa CHADEMA MHE. Freeman Mbowe, alinukuliwa na vyombo vya habari akisema wabunge wake na madiwani wanaweza kuendelea kuwakilisha wananchi licha ya kutomtambua Rais.

Sisi tunasema hili si sahihi bali ni upotoshaji mkubwa, kamwe mtoto hawezi kudai kuwa hamtabui Baba yake kisha anaendelea kumwita Baba na kutumia kila kitu kinachotolewa na Baba huyo huyo. Huo ni utovu wa nidhamu au kukosa maadili.

Sisi vijana wa vyuo vikuu Mkoa wa Dodoma tunawaomba Watanzania wote wenye nia njema na Taifa letu kuwapuuza wabunge wa CHADEMA na kutambua kuwa lengo lao ni kutaka kutuhamisha kutoka kwenye ajenda ya msingi ya Maendeleo na kubaki kwenye malumbano ya kisiasa kama tulivyoshuhudia katika nchi jirani.

Kamwe tusikubali kudanganywa na watu wachache.

Mwisho tungependa kuwaomba Wabunge wa CHADEMA wawaombe radhi watanzania kwa kuvuruga tashwira safi ya Bunge letu lisilo na ubaguzi na itikadi za kisiasa vinginevyo wanawadharau watanzania waliowachagua wakidhani kwamba niwaadilifu wa Taifa na si cha chama chao.

Tutambue kuwa kazi kubwa ya CHADEMA na Wabunge wake kwa sasa ni kuwachanganya watanzania ili badala ya kuendelea na shughuli za ujenzi wa taifa wabaki na malumbano ya hapa na pale kwa manufaa yao binafsi.

Mungu ibariki Tanzania, Mungu ibariki Bunge letu na kutuepusha na ubaguzi kama huu uliofanywa na baadhi ya Wabunge wa CHADEMA.
Aksanteni sana.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

this was the tru teacher ...

Mapenzi ni afya, ni kila kitu lakini yana kanuni zake!

Haihitaji papara kuamua kuhusu mwenzi wa maisha yako. Kuna fahari ya macho na kinachogusa mtima. Usimuone barabarani ni mzuri, ukakurupuka. Unatakiwa ujadiliane na moyo wako halafu mpate jibu linalokubalika. Kupata mwenzi wa maisha ni sawa na Serikali ya Umoja wa Kitaifa. Tofauti na ile ya Zanzibar au Kenya, hii inahusisha maridhiano kati ya macho na moyo. Macho yanaona na kuvutiwa, moyo unaguswa. Kwa mantiki hiyo, ni kosa kujiaminisha kwamba unapenda ikiwa moyo wako haujakubali. Lakini haiwezekani moyo ukapenda ikiwa macho yamekataa. Macho yanaona, ubongo unatafsiri halafu moyo unapokea. Umemkubali kwa jinsi alivyo, hapo ni sawa. Lakini unatakiwa kujiuliza maswali mengine 50 kuhusu yeye, halafu upate majibu ambayo yanaridhiwa na kila upande. Usifanye chaguo ambalo litaufanya moyo wako usinyae. ONYO: Kamwe usiruhusu moyo wako usinyae kwa sababu hiyo ni sawa na ugonjwa hatari. Moyo unaposhindwa kufanya kazi yake barabara, hutema sumu ndani kwa ndani ambayo inaweza kukusababishia matatizo makubwa nap engine kukua haraka. Kuwa makini. Maswali ya kujiuliza ni haya; KABISA NIMEMRIDHIA? Hapa kuna maana kuwa tayari umemkubali lakini jiulize tena na tena kuhusu yeye. Kama kuna shaka ndani yake usilazimishe, badala yake pitisha uamuzi mmoja pale ambapo umeona majibu yanakuja chanya kila ulipojiuliza. NIPO TAYARI? Binadamu hajakamilika, pengine kuna mambo yanayomzunguka mwenzi wako. Watu wa pembeni wanazungumza, lakini pia si ajabu ikawa kuna vikwazo vya kifamilia. Swali hili linachukua nafasi katika eneo hilo. Jiulize kama upo tayari kukabiliana na presha za watu na ndugu ilimradi uhakikishe unambakiza kwenye himaya yako. Isitokee ukasema upo tayari leo lakini baada ya muda ukamfanya mwenzako ajute. Jiridhishe leo kwa faida ya maisha yenu kwa jumla. U-tayari wako uwe na maana kuwa hata miaka 10 ijayo, utamtetea popote kwamba ulilolisimamia leo, utaendelea nalo kila siku mpaka Mungu atakapoamua kutumia mamlaka yake kuwatenganisha. SITAMCHOKA? Usithubutu kupenda kwa fahari ya jicho la leo. Nimekutaka ujadiliane na moyo wako kwa sababu kuna vitu vingi vya kujiridhisha kabla ya kuamua kuzama moja kwa moja. Ikiwa kuna dalili kwamba ipo siku utamchoka usithubutu kumpotezea muda. Mwenzi wa maisha ina maana ni mtu wa furaha yako kwa maisha yako yote. Kwamba yeye atakuwa sehemu ya maisha yako. Hivyo, huyo hatakiwi kuchokwa bali anastahili hifadhi ya kudumu moyoni kuliko mwingine. Mtu ambaye unaweza kumchoka mbele ya safari utamjua tu kwa kujiuliza. Ikiwa kuna penzi la kweli, hakika utaona ni kiasi gani linavyomea. Hutakuwa na shaka ya aina yoyote juu yake na utakubali kwamba furaha anayokupa leo, haitabadilika. Kuna penzi la usanii, kama hilo ndilo linalokuongoza basi ni vema ujitenge. Nina maana kuwa endapo humpendi kutoka moyoni ila unamdanganya, jitenge haraka kwa sababu mbele utamchoka, utamsumbua na utamsaliti. VIPI MAUDHI YAKE? Mpenzi wako ni binadamu siyo malaika. Hivyo ndivyo na wewe ulivyo. Nyoye ni viumbe dhaifu, kwahiyo kila mmoja ana upungufu wake lakini kwako ni vizuri ukajiuliza endapo maudhi yake unaweza kuyavumilia. Ni kosa kubwa kufukia mashimo kwa yale yanayokukwaza kwa mwenzi wako. Amua leo, ikiwa unaona kila kitu kinawezeka, kwamba pamoja na kasoro zake lakini anavumilika na upo tayari kufanya naye maisha, basi nenda mbele zaidi. Ruhusu moyo wako uamue katika maudhi yanayokusumbua kutoka kwa mwenzi wako. Moyo wako upime kwamba ubora wake upo juu kuliko kasoro zinazokutibua. Hapo unangoja nini tena? Mng’ang’anie huyo huyo, ukitaka asiye na kasoro utasubiri sana. NAWEZA KUONGOZANA NAYE? Hili siyo swali la kudharau hata kidogo. Kuna watu wengi wapo kwenye ndoa lakini hata siku moja huwezi kuona wameongozana na wenzi wao. Kuna vitu vingi vinawasibu, angalia nawe yasije yakakukuta kwenye safari yako. Akuridhishe kwa muonekano wake, kwahiyo uwe na imani kuwa hata ukiongozana naye barabarani utakuwa ni mwenye kujiamini. Hapa kuna la kujifunza zaidi. Hakuna maana kuwa utashindwa kuongozana naye kwa sababu ni mbaya, la hasha! Inawezekana mwenzi wako ni mzuri sana, kwahiyo mkiongozana watu huwashangaa. Pia, mwenzi wako anaweza kuwa na umbo kubwa, mnene, hivyo macho ya watu barabarani yanaweza kukufanya ukajiona mnyonge.

Cars 2

Cars 2 is an upcoming American computer-animated 3-D film. It is the sequel to the 2006 film, Cars. It is produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It is currently scheduled for release in theaters in the UK on July 22, 2011 and in the US on June 24, 2011.[2] The film is directed by John Lasseter and co-directed by Brad Lewis, the producer of Ratatouille.

It will be presented in Disney Digital 3-D, IMAX 3D and 2-D.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Travel Blogs

View our other blogs for more information!

Aruba Vacations

 "The Trip was amazing. We had such a great time."
 "The food was amazing, the drinking keep flowing and we lived it up on a white sandy beach. The best thing we love about the RIU is that they are all the same no matter where you go for example, we went to a RIU in Jamaica and it was just as fabulous as the one in ARUBA. It had a great gym, amazing pool, fabulous beaches, and the staff was wonderful!!! WE are a FAN of the RIU IN ARUBA!!!"
 "We look forward to booking a future trip next year. "
 "Thank you so much for helping us make this trip a memory, one that will last forever."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

December in Kauai!

December 2nd-5th, 2010 for 2 from $1,925.00     Airfare Included!
Sheraton Kauai Resort, Garden view Room, Mid-size Car Rental, plus, complimentary welcome basket, breakfast in bed and tropical mimosa

December 9th-12th, 2010 for 2 from $1,598.00     Airfare Included!
Aston Islander on the Beach, Oceanfront Room, Mid-size Car Rental!

December 16th-19th, 2010 for 2 from $1,705.00     Airfare Included!
Aston Islander on the Beach, Oceanfront Room, Mid-size Car Rental!

December 23rd-26th, 2010 for 2 from $2,346.50     Airfare Included!
Aston Islander on the Beach, Oceanfront Room, Economy Car Rental!

*all prices are subject to change until ticketed and hotel rooms are not guaranteed until ticketed.



Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Private Driving Tour of Ireland. (The Shamrock Road)

 Day 1-Dublin, Waterford
"Leave Dublin in the morning for the beautiful Glendalough, Ireland's most important early monastery community. Founded by St. Kevin in the 6th century, there is a haunting sense of timelessness in this valley. Continue through the peaceful Irish countryside to your destination, nature and set on 300 enchanting acres.
Lodging:Waterford Castle"
 Day 2-Kenmare
"The next morning's drive takes you to Tipperary, over scenic country roads, before reaching Fermony and Cork. Then it's on to Blarney Castle and its famous "Stone."Continue via Glengarriff to Kenmare. Here you will be welcomed to Sheen Falls Lodge, a magical, timeless haven of peace, located at the foot of heather-covered hills overlooking the cascading Sheen River.
Lodging: Sheen Falls Lodge"
 Day 3-Kenmare
"Pack up a picnic lunch and head off for a full day around the fabled Ring of Kerry. Here the warm air of the Gulf Stream gives this unique area a different feel as you meander along the coast past ancient, moss-covered abbeys and church ruins. Return to the Lodge via Kellarney, where you can relax after a long day in a cozy lounge in front of a blazing log fire.
Lodging:Sheen Falls Lodge"
 Day 4-County Clare
"Continue along the back roads via Tralee to Limerick. similar to other Irish seaports, Limerick was settled in the ninth century by Vikings who came to plunder, but liked the neighborhood and settled down to trade. Limerick has a rich and important history with plenty to see. You remain the evening horse-breeding country and the majestic Dromoland Castle for a royal experience you will never forget!
Lodging:Dromoland Castle"
 Day 5-Connemara
"Breathe in the brisk morning air as you set out for the dramatic Cliffs of Moher: a five-mile, unbroken, giant will, rising 700 feet above the Atlantic surf. Continue deep into rural Cnnemara, soon you come to a mid-19th century house set in a 50-acre, award-winning garden of flowering shrubs and woodland walks. Here luxury and tranquility are offered in a cozy atmosphere as you relax before a homey peat fire.
Lodging:Cashel House"
Day 6-Connemara
:It's a lazy day for exploring a spectacular marine setting between Logh Corrib and the Atlantic Ocean. Hidden coves and little islands dot the coastline, perfect for wandering and discovering. Neat, whitewashed cottages, amid tiny rock-strewn fields with blue turf smoke rise skyward. It's a way of life to be seen an treasured in your memory for years to come. Drift back to your Irish hideaway for a beautiful evening.
Lodging: Cashel House"
Day 7-Dublin or Shannon
"You final day's route offers you a choice of traveling back to Dublin or ending the Shamrock Road in Shannon, Either way, you have completed your adventure through a unique land combining antiquity, charming villages, beautiful rugged landscapes and a people full of wit and kindness."

"It was like or chauffeur knew everyone in the country. At every town, at every pub, someone recognized him and treated us like we were his friends!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Brazil Vacation (with optional Peru beginning)

 Day 1-Departure City
Board your flight to South America
Day 2-Arrive in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Welcome to Rio. Your Rooms are ready for immediate check-in
 Day 3-Rio De Janeiro
An included city tour takes you to bustling downtown Rio. View the Sambodromo and the Cathedral before visiting Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Day 4-Rio De Janeiro
Perhaps take a Guanabara Bay cruise.
 Day 5-Rio De Janeiro and Iguassu Falls
A flight takes you to Iguassu Falls. Spend the afternoon enjoying the magnificent panorama water falls from he Brazilian side on a guided tour.
 Day 6-Iguassu Falls
Today on the Argentine side of the Falls, ride the Ecological Jungle Train and enjoy a walking tour of this side of the Falls.
 Day 7-Iguassu Falls and Manaus
Fly to Manaus, gateway to Brazil's Amazon. Guided sightseeing shows you the opulent sites from Manaus' rubber boom, like Sao Sebastiao Square, Palacio Rio Negro, and the Opera House.
 Day 8-Manaus (Embarkation)
Embark your cruise ship, the Iberostar Grand Amazon. Stops will be made along the Amazon's Rio Solimoes, offering excursions to explore the Amazon jungle and local vegetation, see indigenous animals, and even visit local river communities. This evening, enjoy a Captain's welcome cocktail party before dinner.
 Day 9-Cruising:Rainforest Walk & Piranha Fishing
This morning, a Naturalist-guided walk through the rainforest teaches how natives subsist off the flora. You will also hear about some of the medicinal qualities each plant possesses. Keep an eye open for capuchin and howler monkeys! After an informational lecture on the region, head back out via panga and try your hand at piranha fishing. Tonight, cruise the waterways on a caiman-spotting expedition.
 Day 10-Cruising:Bird Watching & Local Home
Enjoy the sunrise over the Amazon on a bird-watching safari in search of the many endemic birds of the Janauaca Lake region. Later, visit a local home for an up-close view of how the native communities live and work. This afternoon, cruise the Amazon tributaries looking for wildlife. Your final evening on board begins with a gala dinner followed by a Brazilian Folkloric Show.
Day 11-Meeting of the Waters and Manaus
Cruise the Meeting of the Waters, where the chocolate-colored Rio Negro meets with the yellow-gray Rio Solimoes to from the mighty Amazon. For four miles the differently colored bodies of water flow side-by-side and never mix! Disembark in Manaus and transfer to the airport for your homebound flight.
 Optional Peru beginning
Day 1-board your flight to Lima
Day 2-arrive in Lima. Your included city tour focuses on Lima's rich colonial history.
Day 3-Lima-Cuzco. Fly to Cuzco, and enjoy a guided city tour before visiting Kenko and Puca Pucara.
Day 4-Cuzco. In the Sacred Valley of the Incas, learn about the importance of the alpaca(llama) at Awanakancha. Visit Pisac and Ollantaytambo.
Day 5-Cuzco and Machu Picchu. Board a train for Machu Picchu and enjoy a guided tour.
Day 6-Machu Picchu and Cuzco. Morning at leisure in Machu Picchu allows you to see the sunrise over Machu Picchu. Return to Cuzco.
Day 7-Cuzco to Lima. Fly to Lima.
Day 8-Lima to Rio De Janeiro. Fly to Rio.

Prices as low as $2,700.00 per person.
With Peru beginning as low as $4,100 per person
**all prices are subject to change and availability.
CST 2006820-10

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

United States Vacations Made Simple!

Call today for a different experience to some of the United States most popular cities.


"Known as the Silver State, Nevada's greatest draw by far is its casinos, offering a wide variety of gaming, show-stopping entertainment and not-to-be rivaled nightlife. This most arid U.S. state offers cool, dry winters and a little annual rainfall. Looking to get marries? You have come to the right place with a wide array of wedding chapels, from the elegant to the intimate to the outlandish, to suit every happy couple."


"Its diversity allows one to explore golden opportunities at every turn. When else can you take a jog on powered sand beaches in the morning, go "star" gazing in broad daylight or hike through majestic mountain ranges? The state boasts both the highest and lowest points in the continental U.S., yet most of its vast area enjoys a warm, Mediterranean climate that is nearly idyllic year round, with mild winters and dry summers. One visit and you'll know why California is called the Golden State."


"There's no mistaking why this is called the Sunshine State. Its subtropical and tropical climate offers plenty of warm days year-round, perfect for exploring the many attractions o one of America's favorite playgrounds. Enjoy hundreds of miles of white-sand beaches, the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and a generous share of world-famous amusement parks enticing kids of all ages to come play."


"Explore this land of beautiful contrasts: tranquil hideaways and cosmopolitan night life, relaxing world-class spas and challenging championship golf, sophisticated art galleries and rugged hiking trails, vast planes and towering cliffs. Arizona offers all of the Grand Canyon, one of the seven natural wonders of the world; a vacation in Arizona is as vibrant and inspiring as a purple sunset against its red-rock mountains."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sightseeing In Australia

"Kuranda Koala Gardens is Kuranda's newest wildlife attraction! Situated in the heart of Kuranda, this attraction gives you the opportunity to see some of Australia's most unique wildlife up close. There is a variety of wildlife for you to see including koalas, freshwater crocodiles, kangaroos and wallabies, wombats, snakes, lizards and other reptiles."
$17.00 per person
*prices are subject to change
Call today to book your next "down under" vacation!
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635
CST 2006820-10

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Blog

Click on the link below to visit our 2nd Blog (Destination Weddings and Honeymoons)

Tree Hotel (Sweden)

Treehotel is located in the beautiful village of Harads, approximately 60 km south of the Arctic Circle, and one hour drive from LuleƄ, which has the largest airport in northern Sweden. Harads is a place that surrounded by forest and water and by stillness and wilderness. Here lives 600 inhabitants. We have restaurants, stores, hostel, gas station, swimming facilities, view point Klippan and a beautiful church.
Harads is located in Norrbotten in north of Sweden. Just by the valley of Lule River, approx 80 km from LuleƄ airport and 47 km upstream from Boden. It is a place that is dominated by forests and water, the serenity and wilderness. The village population are just over 600 people.

 (above) the Blue Cone
 (above) the Bird's Nest
 (above) the Cabin
 (above) the UFO
 (above) the Mirrorcube
 (above) the Tree Sauna
(above) A Room With a View

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Aussie Word of the Day

dumper-the bane of all surfers, a dumper is a large wave that tosses you around like a piece of driftwood instead of carrying you in to shore.

100th Post!

Visit our second blog here:

Disney's DREAM

"Make memories you'll share forever with exclusive Disney entertainment in spaces that everyone can enjoy together!"
"Sail away on oceans of imagination and live stories of real Disney magic-from private lessons with Captain Hook to dancing with Disney Princesses. Kids can even talk and interact in real time with animated Characters like Crush and Stitch in the new Disney's Oceaneer Club and Disney's Oceaneer Lab."
Tweens and Teens
"Tweens from 11 to 13 take control of the forward funnel in a private club called Edge, complete with video games, cool music, and all kinds of supervised special activities.
Everyone from 14 to 17 can enjoy the freedom to cruise in dedicated spaces like Vibe, an indoor lounge with plenty of space to relax, plus an outdoor escape that includes its own splashy fun."
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Deliciously Different Disney Dining
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Call today for more information or to book your Disney Dream Cruise.
619-464-6426 or 800-879-8635 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Going to the Zoo in Spain

Located in the Casa de Campo, a large parkland on the western edge of Madrid, the Zoo-Aquarium occupies some 20 hectares. As well as the Zoo itself, there is a delphinarium, an aviary and a little farm. The Zoo is divided into geographical areas (Africa, Asia, etc). The Zoo provides route planners so as not to miss anything. There is also a "Mysterious Nature" pavilion which exhibits amphibians, reptiles and so on. The delphinarium is a large installation with a capacity for 3000 people, with dolphin shows at various times during the day. The aviary also holds birds-in-flight exhibitions, where you can get to see birds of prey, parrots and other species close up. The little farm is where children can get to see lambs, rabbits and other such animals up close. All the exhibits are to be found in gardens, which themselves can be considered in their own right to be a botanical garden, as there are over 100 different types of plants all signposted. There are also two self-service restaurants as well as a cafeteria, burger bar and various snack bars.
Only 29.99 per person. *prices are subject to change.

Fall Foliage Vacations

"Thank you, Unique Travel Concepts, for all your hard work!"

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