Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Annie Lennox HIV Positive

Annie Lennox HIV PositiveAnnie Lennox HIV Positive, American Idol took a break from the usual eliminations; even Simon Cowell had a rest from his harsh comments. The night was all about American Idol gives back, where a host of stars entertain and to show awareness of the plights of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS and Tuberculosis.

Two of the big stars to star in American Idol gives back were Annie Lennox and also Carrie Underwood. Carrie deiced to sing her version of George Michael’s “Praying for Time, while Annie sung Many Rivers to Cross. The song seemed to move the audience, and she also wore a pink HIV Positive shirt to spread awareness even more.

Terry Hatcher wanted to do her bit so she sung a camp version of Carrie Underwood’s smash hit “Before he Cheats.”